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2 day innovation festival | september 2 & 3


UPDATE - August 2021

Unfortunately, we had to decide to postpone the first edition of the Pioneers for Change Festival, we are planning to meet each other next summer.


Due to the uncertainties and regulations related to Covid we would have to sacrifice too much on the design and format of the festival which, according to us, could influence the vibe and flow. But we are fully committed and enthusiastic about a kick-off in 2022. So please stay updated sign up for the list below!


Taking place on the 2nd and 3rd of September, our Pioneers for Change Festival is the first interdisciplinary innovation festival of its kind, we welcome pioneers from all over the country to come together and take part in it!

With seven amazing (inter)national keynote speakers and 20+ workshops and masterclasses, this two-day event offers no shortage of opportunities for you to reskill and upskill. Come with an open mind, curiosity and compassion. We look forward to seeing you there!​​

Subscribe to the interest list

thanks for your interest!

 line up


 Reimagine - 7 crucial themes

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7. Humanity & Society              

How do we wish to evolve, what do co-emerging futures look like and how can we humanize connections in an overconnected world?

5. Leadership                                 

How can we develop and encourage regenerative leadership where everyone and everything can thrive?        

6. Systems Change
How can we improve our perception of the complexity we live within?

3. Economy & Business
How can we design a new value system where doing business and doing good go hand in hand?

2. Education                               

How can we design an education system that is fit for the 21st century?

1. Technology
How can we make technology inclusive and benefit the greater good? What do we want from it, and what not?

4.  Democracy                           

How can we best organize our society in this new digital era?     

Redesign | societal change

The Pioneers for Change festival places large societal questions of a systemic nature on the agenda. What's more, its smaller sessions address current societal challenges such as climate change, the impact of digital technology such as AI, the effects of divisive politics, and distributional issues. These will be held in the form of campfire get-togethers where we aim to stimulate deep discussions and connections.


Reskill & Upskill

Besides gaining inspiration and new knowledge, you also have the chance to develop yourself and acquire new skills. Think: developing an adaptable mindset; critical thinking; creativity; visual thinking; Theory U; deep democracy; refraiming; storytelling; and much more. 


Compile your own programme to empower your inner pioneer.​​

Who's it for?

Rebels with a cause, innovation strategists, storytellers, researchers and scientists, philosophers, engineers and imagineers, anthropologists, artists and creatives, design thinkers, (behavioral) economists and psychologists, sociologists, policymakers, social entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs en techies for good...

For everyone who sees themself as a Pioneer for Change.

let's all get together, (re)imagine!

Reality check. Of course we know that it is an uncertain time for festivals. But the program largely takes place in the open air in a wonderfully beautiful and spacious location. We are hopeful that we will be living in a different reality by September. Subscribe using the box above and we will update you.

 It is high time to start a wave of positive change. 

Let's reimagine the way we work, learn and do business together!

* in case of cancellation of the event because of corona, a 100% refund applies



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